Family First Life-Strong Tower

Agent Toolbox

The Agent Toolbox contains a wealth of information through links, podcasts, videos, and articles that will help your business grow.

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Of course, like any toolbox, if you don’t open it and use the tools, you are going to have a difficult time building anything. So take the time to invest in your future and dig into the valuable tools you will find in the Agent Toolbox.

agent toolbox - new agent training day photo

New Agent Training Day, September 2020

Remember, at Family First Life Strong Tower, we are committed to helping you become the very best. So, if you have questions, and don’t find the answers here, reach out. You will find the other team members, from the Vice Presidents to the very newest agents, stand ready to share.

More Agent Tools

In-Home Help Hotline: (800) 304-6235

Sales Tools:

  • Coming Soon


Videos to Share:


Business Market:

FFL Strong Tower Partner Sites

agent toolbox - success does not come to you - you go to it


For an agent with FFL Strong Tower, another tool in your toolbox, is YOU. Yes, you. Whether it is an intangible something inside you, be it ambition, drive, aspiration, dreams, or intention, there must be something in you that will make you do what is necessary to succeed.

No matter how many tools in your agent toolbox, if you don’t use them, success will be an elusive dream.

Library of Greats

Jordan Belfort

Jeffery Gitomer

Napoleon Hill

Zig Ziglar

Tony Robbins

Brian Tracy

David Schwartz

OG Mandino

Frank Bettger