Family First Life-Strong Tower

In-Home Presentations Agent Training

One of the best ways to become adept at in-home presentations, is through the many in-home presentations agent training videos put out by Family First Life. Even if you’ve never done any live sales, after watching the videos below you will find that any doubts you may have had about sales, will be a thing of the past.

One of the best, and why it is at the top of the page, is “Psychology of the Sale” by the CEO and founder of Family First Life. Watch this as many times as it takes to get it down.

New Agent Checklist

Ready before your 1st appointment:

1. Tablet device to sign e-apps

2. E-App Logins: AmericoMOOAIG

3. Print 5 of these: Credibility Sheet & Financial InventoryClient Profile

4. Links to Carrier Quoting Tools

In-Home Presentations Mindset and Attitude

Sales Mindset

Paul McClain – In Home Mindset

Call 2 Close Training Series

Paul McClain – In Home Mindset

Ep. 2 – Problem Solving

Ep. 3 – The Close

More Presentations Training Videos

Make sure you check out these other agent training videos. If you are new, then you will especially want to watch “How to Sell Final Expense”. That’ll get you started and give you confidence in doing in-home presentations.

Once you’ve had success selling Final Expense, then you will find yourself naturally progressing to selling mortgage protection. In fact, you may find that when you get to some in-home presentations for final expense, it turns out that the clients are too young for final expense. That’s when you will want to have knowledge of mortgage protection insurance that will cover at a much younger age