Family First Life-Strong Tower


Annuities are an insurance policy that provides for a person’s retirement income. It is often utilized as a long-term investment where an individual is saving money to fund their retirement. There are two categories of annuities: deferred annuity and immediate annuity. A deferred annuity pays the beneficiary a regular income or lump sum payment at a future date. Whereas with an immediate annuity, you make one lump-sum contribution, and it is converted into monthly payments of equal value until you die or reach the end date that you choose. Annuities provide the owner with substantial tax benefits and guarantees, including death benefits or guaranteed lifetime withdrawals.

Family First Life – Strong Tower is an expert in annuity products and has been helping families like yours through annuities and other options. We partner with some of the top insurance carriers to provide you with the best annuity possible by first assessing your needs, then recommending appropriate products, which may include fixed annuities, variable annuities, etc.

We believe in making a difference, not just selling products and services. So if you’re looking for annuities, contact us today!