Family First Life-Strong Tower

Apr 11, 2022
Aggressive Compensation Plan The Why And The How

So, what exactly is an aggressive compensation plan? It is a plan that offers high commissions and bonuses to employees who sell life insurance policies. The goal is to motivate employees to sell as many policies as possible while also providing a fair wage for their efforts.

Why Aggressive Compensation Plan?

Increasing sales is the primary reason. By offering high commissions and bonuses, you are essentially giving your employees a financial incentive to sell as many policies as possible.

Another reason why you might consider an aggressive compensation plan is to attract and retain top talent. If you want to attract the most brilliant insurance agents, you need to offer them a competitive compensation package. An aggressive compensation plan can help you do just that.

How Does It Work?

There are a few different ways that companies implement aggressive compensation plans. The most common is by offering higher commissions for new policy sales. For example, you might offer a 20% commission on new policy sales for the first year, followed by a 15% commission in the second year.

Another way to implement an aggressive compensation plan is to offer higher renewal commissions. For example, you might offer a 12% commission on renewals for the first year, followed by a 15% commission in the second year.

Finally, you can also offer bonuses and other incentives to encourage insurance agents to sell more policies. For example, you might offer a bonus of $500 for every five new policies sold.

An aggressive compensation plan can be a great way to boost your company’s bottom line and attract and retain top talent. If you’re considering implementing one, do your research and develop a plan that makes sense for your business.

You should keep a few things to keep in mind when designing an aggressive compensation plan. First, you’ll want to make sure that the plan is sustainable in the long term. You don’t want to put your company at risk by offering too much in compensation and benefits without being able to deliver on those promises.

What Are Some Other Benefits Of Implementing An Aggressive Compensation Plan?

Some other benefits of implementing an aggressive compensation plan include:

  • Increased sales
  • Attracting and retaining top talent
  • Boosting morale
  • Improving customer satisfaction

When done correctly, an aggressive compensation plan has the ability to improve your company in several ways. If you’re thinking of implementing one, do your research and develop a reasonable plan.

If you’re thinking about starting a career in insurance sales, or if you’re already working in the industry, we encourage you to check out our aggressive compensation plan. You won’t be disappointed!

If you’re already an insurance broker in Weatherford, TX, considering Family First Life – Strong Tower and Hammer Lane Consultants, you should feel completely at ease knowing that no one will be able to provide you with a better compensation plan than us.