Family First Life-Strong Tower

Jun 22, 2022
Everything You Need To Know About Final Expense Insurance

As we age, many of us become increasingly aware that we need to take steps to ensure our final days are as comfortable and worry-free as possible. One way to do this is by purchasing a final expense insurance policy. But what is final expense insurance, exactly? Let’s find out!

Family First Life – Strong Tower & Hammer Lane Consultants will answer all your questions about this critical coverage in this blog post.

What Is Final Expense Insurance?

It is a type of life insurance that helps cover the costs associated with your death, such as funeral expenses and outstanding debts. This can be a huge relief for your loved ones, who might otherwise struggle to find the money to cover these costs.

How Does Final Expense Insurance Work?

Final expense policies are whole life insurance policies, which means they do not expire as long as you continue to pay your premiums. Once you die, the death benefit will be paid out to your beneficiaries (the people you’ve chosen to receive the money), who can use it to cover your final expenses.

How Much Does Final Expense Insurance Cost?

The cost of final expense insurance depends on several factors, including your age, health, and coverage amount. Generally, younger and healthier people will pay less for coverage than older or sick people.

Family First Life – Strong Tower & Hammer Lane Consultants provides a low-cost monthly premium starting at $27 per month, with coverage up to $10,000.

Benefits of Final Expense Insurance

It’s Affordable

One of the main reasons people purchase final expense insurance is because it’s an affordable way to ensure their loved ones are not left with a financial burden after they die.

It’s Easy to Qualify for

Unlike other types of life insurance, final expense insurance is designed for people who may not be able to qualify for traditional coverage due to health reasons.

It Covers a Wide Range of Expenses

You can use final expense insurance to cover many expenses, including funeral costs, medical bills, outstanding debts, and more.

How to Get Final Expense Insurance?

If you’re interested in obtaining final expense insurance, the best way to get started is to compare quotes from different insurers. There are several ways to do this, including using an online quoting tool.

Once you’ve compared quotes and found a policy that meets your needs, you can apply for coverage directly with the insurer.

The application process is typically quick and easy, and you’ll typically be able to get approved for coverage within a few days.

Still, Worried About Your Funeral Costs? Here’s Your Answer!

You’re not alone. Many people don’t plan for the inevitable, which can lead to financial disaster for their families. That’s where Family First Life – Strong Tower & Hammer Lane Consultants serving Denton, TX, comes in.

We offer final expense insurance to help pay for funeral and other related expenses, so your loved ones don’t have to bear that burden.

Our plans are affordable and easy to understand, so you can rest assured knowing your family is taken care of no matter what happens. Plus, we’re here for you every step of the way, from helping you choose the right plan!

Contact us today for a free consultation!