Family First Life-Strong Tower

Quote Tools

Quoting Tools

You will need to get all of these Quote Tools pre-setup on your laptop or tablet, since you will normally be using these during your in-home appointments. Make sure that the tabs are set up, or that you have bookmarked each of these tools so that when you need to use one, it is a simple “click” and you’re in.

Carrier Quote Tools

Some carriers require you to have a producer ID before you can access the agent portal and quote products. This is another reason to make sure that you have everything ready to go before you go to your appointment.

If your client has health issues check the underwriting reference guides before quoting.

Ultimate of the Quote Tools

Probably the best quoting tool is from  Whether you are quoting for Final Expense  or Term, this tool can provide quotes for over 50 different carrier products.

In addition to product/carrier quotes, you can instantly compare quotes allowing you to select the best fit for your client’s needs.

There is a monthly fee for this service, but they do offer a free trial. Without a doubt, once you use it, you will not go back to using the individual carriers’ quoting tools.

Click Here for Underwriting Guides