Family First Life-Strong Tower

Nov 10, 2021
Times When Mortgage Protection Becomes Your Ultimate Need

You can save your home and finance a new home with mortgage protection insurance if a disaster strikes, such as job loss or injury. Since mortgage protection plans are affordable, it might be good for everyone who has a mortgage to purchase them. This blog post discusses some scenarios when mortgage protection can become necessary.

What is Mortgage Protection Insurance?

It is designed to pay off a mortgage when the person or people named in the policy can no longer make their monthly payments.

When disaster strikes, such as the loss of a job, disability, or death of a wage earner, it’s good to know that you have help from your insurance company.

Mortgage protection plans can be inexpensive yet provide valuable financial security because these policies pay off all the remaining debt balance on your current mortgage, so you still own your home after the payoff.

1) Loss of a Job 

Without a steady flow of income, it’s hard to keep up with the monthly payments for your house. Losing a job can cause problems because even if you can find new employment, your salary might be less than before, or there may not be enough hours available for work. Mortgage protection insurance from a reliable provider like Family First Life – Strong Tower and Hammer give you the much-needed sense of calm in this chaotic situation. We take care of your mortgage payments, giving you time to focus on other vital issues.

You are not limited to one mortgage protection insurance policy. You can have more than one at a time, depending on your needs and budget.

2) Death of a Wage Earner 

This is a situation when you’ll need mortgage protection insurance more than ever. Suppose your spouse passes away and now there is only one breadwinner for the household; it becomes challenging financially. Their salary might not be enough to cover all expenses.

Mortgage Protection Insurance can help take care of those monthly payments so that financial stress doesn’t ruin the process of grieving and healing from loss. It can also give you peace of mind knowing your loved ones will still have their home after you pass away.

3) Paying Overdue Credit

If you have not been making your payments, mortgage protection insurance can help you get out of that debt. You can still pay for the future while paying off what’s due on credit cards and other outstanding debts. This is a great way to clean up bad financial records so it doesn’t affect your ability to secure loans in the future.

If you need mortgage protection in Fort Worth, TX, then Family First Life – Strong Tower and Hammer are here to help you. We offer mortgage protection services to ensure you don’t lose ownership of your property in case of an unforeseen emergency. Our goal is to provide reliable insurance solutions and protect you from falling prey to unwelcome loan sharks. Contact us now!